Shepway Liberal Democrat Executive 2009

Shepway Liberal Democrats held its Annual General Meeting in New Romney on Sunday 23rd November and elected its executive for 2009. In addition to the AGM, there was a presentation by South East England European Parliamentary Candidate Antony Hook.
With Party election rules limiting the term of a Chair to 3 years, Tim Prater who was first elected Chair at the AGM in 2005 was not restanding, and Paul Kincaid will be the new Chair for 2009. The officers and executive in 2009 will be:
- Chair: Paul Kincaid
- Vice-Chair: Bev Rolfe
- Treasurer: Darren Briddock
- Secretary: Tim Prater
- Membership Data Officer: Kate McNeice
- Data Officer: Season Prater
- Executive members: Gary Fuller, Tom McNeice, Ann Rimmer, Bill Sheldrake, Maggie Sheldrake
Additionally, Neil Matthews sits as Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Val Loseby sits as the Shepway District Group's representative on the executive, and Bev Rolfe as the Folkestone Town Council Group representative.
Tim Prater thanked all members for their support during his term as Chair, and especially Officers Neil Matthews, Darren Briddock, Maureen Kincaid Speller and Season Prater, and Lynne Beaumont as leader of the District Group. Tim says:
"Congratulations and good luck to the new executive and especially Paul as the new Chair. I'm really confident the Liberal Democrats will make gains in the County Council elections in 2009 and that Neil Matthews is developing a strong reputation as a fantastic local campaigner for Folkestone and Hythe.
"I also want to say thank you to Maureen for all her hard work as Secretary, but is not re-standing as Secretary this year in order to concentrate on her academic studies. Congratulations on your graduation Maureen, and best wishes for the Masters!"

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