Shepway MEP shows Red Card to Child Labour

Sharon Bowles, South East Liberal Democrat MEP and long term member of anti-slavery international, today backed the International Labour Organisation's (ILO) global "Red Card to Child Labour" Campaign, on the World Day against Child Labour. Through partnership with FIFA, the campaign has reached millions of people around the world, since its launch in 2002.
"Many have said child labour will always be with us. Though the fight against child labour remains a daunting challenge, the global movement is proving them wrong. We are on the right track and if the current pace of decline in the instances of child labour is maintained and the momentum to stop child labour continued, child labour, in its worst forms, could be eliminated in 10 years" said Sharon Bowles.
"The waving of the Red Card against child labour is not just a gesture; it's a way to highlight our campaign for the right of every child to a real childhood. It is clear that countries do not have to wait until they become rich to eliminate child labour. While economic progress is important, putting the right policies into place matters at least as much. Together, we can end child labour."
On 4th May the new ILO global report "The end of child labour: within reach" was released. This second Global Report documents a major shift in the progress of the movement to end child labour. For the first time there is a clear world-wide decrease in child labour, with the actual number of child labourers worldwide falling by 11% between 2000 and 2004, from 246 million to 218 million.
"The cost of eliminating child labour is $760 billion over the next 20 years. National ownership from developing countries in combating child labour and creating concrete time bound plans of action is now a priority. The estimated benefit in terms of better education and health would be over $4 trillion. The economic benefits therefore greatly outweigh the costs by nearly 6 to 1, not to mention the priceless social benefits to be gained."

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