Shepway Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places
By law, Shepway Council is required to carry out a review of Polling Districts and Polling Places on a regular four-yearly cycle. The Council has now commenced the first stage of public consultations in respect of this occasion's review and we are currently interested in hearing your views.
Councillors, local political parties, residents and views from such persons who have particular expertise in relation to access to premises views are invited to submit their representations by writing to the Council. Representations may be made by using the on-line feed-back form at or by downloading the form at , completing and returning it to the Council.
Please note that this first stage consultation ends on Friday 3 August 2007. Representations should be sent in writing to:
Electoral Services (Polling Places Review)
Civic Centre
Castle Hill Avenue
Folkestone, Kent CT20 2QY
When making representations, it would be helpful to the Council to include any proposals for alternative polling places. A further consultation on the Returning Officer's findings at the completion of the first stage consultation will be held at the end of August 2007.
Please fill out the on-line feedback form on your local polling station or, alternatively, pdf download the printed version of the form and return it to us by post, fax or e-mail.
If you are not sure where your polling station is, try locating it here or use our interactive mapping service.
The pdf current scheme of polling districts and polling places can be viewed on-line in PDF format at

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