Shepway's Tories - frightened of democracy?
What is becoming increasingly clear with Shepway's Tories is their intention to keep democracy in the dark. Because of an inability to defend their actions through honest debate they have now stooped to the level of silencing criticism of any sort by whatever possible means.
Look to Hythe, where the Town Mayor (and Shepway's Cabinet Member for Housing), publicly stated she wished no further debate on the Hotel Imperial housing development and went on to refuse the call for a Town Council meeting to discuss the latest issues. Knowing the law however, the two new Liberal Democrat members have forced her to call one. At a previous Hythe Town Council meeting this Mayor prevented an opposition Councillor from asking a question - not knowing the content of the question, she certainly wasn't prepared to find out!
As for the District Council, the Tory Cabinet attempted to have its discussions about the future of the Leas Lift in private. The Tories are now trying to change the Council's constitution so the public will need to collect considerably more signatures for any petition to be heard. They have reduced the number of Full Council meetings and have removed the customary (and constitutionally agreed) opposition member from chairing its Cabinet Scrutiny Committee. As for me, a Hythe West District Councillor, I have been refused access to a crucial Officer's report on the development proposals for Hythe's Fisherman's Beach.
And why, after being warned months and months ago, that the considerable public interest dictates using a large venue for the Lydd Airport debate and decision, have they opted for using the Council Chamber instead - with its very limited public seating capacity?
It is no wonder our Conservative controlled District Council is the least improved District Council in the Country, ranked 388th out of 388. To have proper democracy in our Government, at whatever level, proposals must stand up to robust debate. When this is stifled - think hard. It's time for change.

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