Shepway Snow Update from Kent County Council - Wednesday 1 December
Kent County Council are issuing regular snow and road condition updates by area - this mornings update advises that Shepway has a "Snow Emergency in place". Update in full:
Roads: Light continuous snowfall. Temperature approx -1 urban and -3 rural. Urban primary and secondary routes relatively clear. Care still required when driving. Rural linking roads - B2068 passable with care. Some snow drifting in open areas. A260 passable with care. C585 Canterbury Road / Elham Valley Road. Single lane traffic in places. Slow moving. Crews patrolling primary/ secondary routes.
Crete Road West - heavy drifting single lane.
Pavements: Shepway District Council - Patrolling and spot clearing priority footways (high streets etc)
Saltbins: N/A
Other Local Action: Crews patrolling and clearing emergency services access
Road Closures: None, but build up of traffic on C585 and a number of abandoned vehicles give it a risk of potential closure.

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