Shepway Youth Forum Annual Meeting
District, town and parish councillors have been invited to the fourth annual meeting of the Shepway Youth Forum on Thursday (13 November) where young people will host an evening of debate and presentations.
The Forum, which aims to give young people in Shepway a voice and a role in decision making, was officially launched in July 2005.
The meeting, which starts at 5.00pm at the Civic Centre in Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, includes the appointment of a chairman, secretary, treasurer and committee, a look back at the work of the last year and what is planned for 2008/09.
There will be a short presentation by members about the work they are doing and the positive news it has created about young people. There will be a question and answer session and the meeting ends with a talk by Darren Matthews from the British Youth Council.
Anyone who would like more information about the forum and its work should contact Tamasin Jarrett, youth and play development officer, on 01303 853277 or 07990 543397.

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