Shock at Folkestone Phone Mast

Local Lib Dems Peter Carroll and Cllr Tessa Caruana have joined local residents in their fight against the new phone mast on a building in Highfield Industrial Estate near Warren Road. The mast appeared without warning a few days ago and local people were not consulted at all.
Peter Carroll said, 'Local people are rightly outraged that this mast has appeared out of the blue. I understand that previous applications for a mast on this site have been successfully opposed. However, the Council are saying that this new mast can be installed without any consultation with local people. They say that this mast is less than 3m tall, so it is 'permitted'. Local people are concerned about the effects of the mast on health. It is also very unsightly.
Peter Carroll needs your help. You can help by signing the petition below that Peter will send to the company that has installed the mast 02 demanding that they re-site it. Further, Peter is asking the Council planning Enforcement Officer to check the height of the mast. Peter said, 'It looks to me that the mast is more than 3m high in any case. I will be asking the Council to check this height as it appears that the company could only do this because it is less than 3m tall.'
Peter added, 'I totally sympathise with local people on this issue. I need all the support and help that they can give me'.

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