Sign-up reminder for Bournemouth Lib Dem conference
For members who would like to go to federal party conference in Bournemouth but have not yet registered, the next price increase is fast approaching! Sign up before 31st July for the advance booker rate of £89. The late booker and on site registration rate will be £117, so make sure you catch this last-chance discount.
The agenda timetable will soon be on the website at Items not to be missed include:
- the 'Make it Happen' pre-manifesto debate
- the Leader's Q&A hosted by Steve Richards of the Independent and
- the key policy debates on transport, Europe and security.
Don't forget the change in the conference timings this year - consultative sessions will start on the Saturday morning and the full conference sessions, the exhibition and the fringe schedule will start at lunchtime on Saturday, finishing after the Leader's speech at lunchtime on Wednesday.
Key conference items to put in your diaries include:
- Welcome drink sponsored by the Climate Clinic - Windsor Foyer, BIC, 17.30-18.15 Saturday 13th September
- Conference Rally with a keynote speech by Nick Clegg - Windsor Hall, BIC, 18.30-19.30 Saturday 13th September
- The Glee Club - The De Vere Suite, Royal Bath Hotel, 22.00-late Tuesday 16th September
All this plus catching up with Lib Dem friends in the bar!
To join us in Bournemouth, register online at or download and print the appropriate form from and return it to the Lib Dem conference office.
Please note that noon on Tuesday 9th September is the deadline for:
- the nomination of subjects for 'urgent issues' debates,
- amendments to topical motions,
- emergency motions,
- appeals against non-acceptance of amendments/topical motions and
- questions to reports.
And the drafting advice deadline is Wednesday 3rd September.

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