South East Lib Dems Back Gurkha Justice Campaign

South East Region Liberal Democrats have backed a motion adding their strong support to the Gurkha Justice campaign call for a fair deal for all Gurkhas on residence and pensions. The conference in Ashford on Saturday 30th March backed the motion, which was supported by ex-Gurkha Folkestone Town Councillor Dhan Gurung who spoke in favour of the motion.
The motion passed read:
Conference noted that retired Gurkha soldiers are subject to injustice in terms of pensions and the right to live in the UK.
Conference calls on the government to:
a) Give all retired Gurkha soldiers the right to citizenship of the UK after 4 years of service irrespective of the date they retired and in line with the rights offered to soldiers from commonwealth countries.
b) Grant all Gurkha soldiers a fair pension based on year for year parity with their UK counterparts.

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