Speaker's Day in Sandwich to rededicate the ports as a Confederation with a remembrance of the obedience to the Lord Warden who represents the Queen
Big title: big day. St Mary's Sandwich was the venue set aside for the Cinque Port Mayors, Town Clerks and Town Sargeants to put on their robes for this dramatic spectacle. The noise level in the room gradually increased as more and more dignitaries arrived, including Bishop Trevor and the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.
Many people watched as the procession made its way to St Clements and the assembled group took their named places in the church. The service included a hymn written by the Mayor of Sandwich (Speaker of the Confederation of Cinque Ports) and a sermon by the Bishop of Dover. His words highlighted the responsibility of the person wearing robes, to serve the community he represents, and his thoughts made an impact on the listening dignitaries.
Walking back through the town of Sandwich in a long column of red and black robed officials was at first embarrassing but the town people clearly enjoyed the focus on their town and greeted the visitors enthusiastically.
The day was not yet over and a delicious meal was served to all the guests. Whilst eating this gourmet meal, toasts were made and speeches given, completed by entertainment from the Roger Manwood School Jazz Band. The standard was most definitely not amateur and the band could easily take professional bookings.
The exceptional organisation by the Sandwich team created an enjoyable day which matched the dignity that the significant occasion deserved. The Town Sargeant for Sandwich kept the pace of the day under control and performed his Master of Ceremonies with humour and dignity.
I will remember this sensational day for many years to come.

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