Spokes East Kent Cycle Campaign Questionnaire
Spokes East Kent Cycle Campaign are asking all election candidates standing in east Kent their views on a number of cycling-related issues. Read the questions, and my responses, below:

(1) Widespread 20 mph speed limits are increasingly being implemented across the country in places that people live, work, and shop. They provide a cost-effective means to reducing the number and severity of casualties and make our streets more accessible to pedestrians and cyclists whilst having smoothing traffic flow. Kent County Council regularly receive requests for widespread 20mph limits to be implemented. Will you act to support the adoption of widespread 20mph limits? If so, which specific actions do you plan to take? If you do not support widespread 20mph limits please explain why not.
Kent County Councillors have a £25,000 per year budget for Highways schemes to improve their area. As a non-driver myself, I'm clear that this budget goes well beyond filling in the many potholes in Folkestone South. Where the residents of a particular road or locality within the division request a 20mph zone, I will wholeheartedly support them through the process of achieving this.
(2) Would you actively pursue the creation of more dedicated walking and cycling routes away from motorised traffic such as the creation of a cycle routes to schools? If so please explain how you will support such schemes and, where possible, give examples of routes you would like to pursue. If not please explain why not.
Folkestone South has various primary schools and nurseries with good access via walking routes and, to a lesser degree, public transport. Dedicated cycling routes is something I personally believe would most benefit the K College and Christ Church University campuses at the current time, with an emphasis on maintaining and improving walking bus routes for local primary schools and nurseries. Unfortunately, other than St Eanswythe's and perhaps the Metropole Nursery, most of the education provision within the division cannot always be accessed whilst completely avoiding traffic, so improving and maintaining street lighting as well as safe crossing opportunities is vital.
(3) Almost all districts in East Kent now have adopted cycling strategies. Which actions will you take to ensure that the strategy for the area you represent is fully implemented? Where a cycling strategy has not yet been adopted which additional actions will you also take to help in the adoption of a cycling strategy?
My colleague Lynne Beaumont moved a motion supporting the Cycle Shepway campaign for a coastline cycleway between Folkestone and Dungeness at a recent District Council meeting. As a result, a Shepway Councillor now has responsibility for moving the Cycling Strategy forward in Shepway. That Cllr, along with Cycle Shepway, is setting up a working group to push forward with the strategy. I would be very happy to be a member of this working group.
(4) The introduction of the National Planning Policy Framework introduced core planning principles to "support a transition to a low carbon future" and "actively manage patterns of growth to make the fullest possible use of public transport, walking and cycling, and focus significant development in locations which are or can be made sustainable". How will you ensure that these principles are upheld in the area that you represent and how will you work to ensure that funds are pursued from developers to be spent in maximising the use of sustainable transport?
The biggest potential development in Folkestone South affects the harbour area. I'm clear that public transport needs to be vastly improved before this goes ahead, and will actively scrutinise any plans going forward. The harbour area, along with the coastal park, lends itself to cycling and walking, but suffers most from the lack of other forms of public transport. It is a travesty, for example, that the East Cliff area has absolutely no bus service on a Sunday.
(5) Would you support KCC funding of free adult cycle training in order to maximise the uptake of cycling in preference to private motor vehicle journeys?
I support any initiative that helps and encourages people in moving away from private car journeys. I would also love to see more employers offering season ticket loans and subsidised bicycle purchases, as well as improved access to cycling racks across the division. I believe that a combination of education and appropriate support is the best way to encourage the uptake of cycling in Shepway.
(6) Do you support the provision of more cycle parking in public locations? If so, have you any suggestions of suitable locations and how would you pursue its introduction? If not, please explain why you don't support cycle parking.
I'm happy to support improved cycle parking across the division and Shepway as a whole. I believe the initial step in Folkestone South is to increase the priority of the proposed cycle routes in the cycling plan and to identify and integrate any potential new parking locations within that. The long term aim has to be that when someone searches online for cycling and Shepway, the top link is a map of an extensive cycle network with numerous parking points for the public to make use of.
(7) How will you liaise with your communities to ensure safe routes to schools and other community facilities and the increase in shared paths and cycle lanes?
We're lucky in Shepway to have active groups like Cycle Shepway, as well as numerous residents' associations and regeneration groups. My aim is to implement Folkestone South "You Decide" days, introduced by my colleague Tim Prater so successfully in Folkestone West division. This would allow me to support a range of local projects, chosen by the public, including those aimed at road safety. I'm particularly keen on education opportunities with regards to road safety. I would also actively seek out opportunities to make use of the members highway budget through interaction and negotiation with local groups.
(8) Please let us know any other comments or ideas you would like to share in relation to cycling.
The national habit of relying on cars for everyday journeys is not environmentally sustainable and is becoming increasingly unaffordable. The combination of walking, cycling and using public transport (as well as working from home where practical) needs to become much more the norm. For this to occur we need to have integrated plans, lead by local people and supported by everyone, for making this happen. This will require vast improvements in infrastructure and understanding across the board, but it is achievable.

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