Stack Relief: Kent Police back Lib Dem proposal to reduce Operation Stack delays

Local campaigner Peter Carroll has got real action to reduce Operation Stack misery. Kent Police have taken up a suggestion from Peter on traffic light phasing on the M20, agreeing to a suggestion to get traffic moving quicker coastbound while Stack is running.
Peter wrote to Kent Police on 30t November with his proposal:
"When Operation Stack is in force, very large numbers of cars are forced to use the old A20 coastbound. There are a number of points on this road where junctions and/or width restrictions induce a 'pinch point'. The most serious of these is the traffic lights that control passage through the narrow section of the old A20 under the High Speed Rail Line crossing in Sellinge.
"Here, the lights regulate flow by alternating between East and West bound. Understandably, these lights seem to be evenly matched which is fine during periods of normal traffic flow. However, when Stack is on there is a huge imbalance in traffic flow. For 2 nights I have queued with several hundred motorists for literally hours to get past this point, only to find on reaching the lights that there are only a couple of cars coming Westbound.
"Could I ask that consideration is given to either electronically adjusting of overriding these lights by a Police officer being present so that what seems an additional unnecessary delay is reduced."
Kent Police have responded positively to the idea. Chief Inspector John Frayne of the Kent Police Traffic Unit has thanked Peter, and is implementing his proposals. In a letter to Peter on 12 December, he says:
"I have discussed your suggestion of the management of lights at the 'pich point' on the A20, which I found very constructive, with the responsible officer at Kent Highways. As a result an inspection of the location will take place today and a more appropriate priority to coastbound traffic, during Operation Stack diversions, will be implemented."
South Kent Area Commander, Chief Superintendent Steve Harris, also backed the idea saying "your proposal is an excellent one".
Peter Carroll commented:
"If this idea helps reduce the pain of Operation Stack in future then that's a fantastic Christmas present to local drivers.
"Operation Stack has a huge impact on many people in East Kent, and although I hope in the long term it can be avoided completely, anything which reduces waiting times even slightly has to be welcomed."

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