Start 2008 With Safety

With the start of 2008 many of us will be thinking about the usual New Year resolutions such as giving up smoking, losing weight and getting fitter. However, Kent Fire and Rescue Service would like to suggest a new but vitally important one - making your home safe from the threat of fire.
Head of Community Fire Safety Stuart Skilton said: "We all make resolutions at this time of year but don't ignore your safety or that of your family, friends and loved ones, and make your home a safer place for 2008 and onwards - it really is a lifetime investment."
Here are some tips to prevent fire before it starts:
- Fit smoke alarms on each level of your home. Keep them free from dust and test them once a week. Consider buying a 10-year alarm, otherwise change the batteries in your alarms every year. Never remove the batteries
- Make a fire action plan so that everyone in your home knows how to escape if there's a fire
- Keep the exits from your home clear so that people can escape if there's a fire. Make sure that everyone in your home can easily find the keys for doors and windows
- Take extra care in the kitchen - accidents while cooking account for over half of fires in homes. Never leave young children alone in the kitchen
- Close all doors before going to bed
- Don't overload electrical sockets. Remember one plug for one socket
- Keep matches and lighters where children can't see or reach them
- Make sure cigarettes are stubbed out properly and are disposed of carefully, and never smoke in bed
- If celebrating with fireworks, always treat them with care and respect. Don't drink alcohol if setting off fireworks and always follow the instructions.
- Consider investing in a sprinkler system for your home. Fire sprinklers not only warn of fire they also act immediately to extinguish the fire - even if no one is present. Modern residential sprinklers are small, neat and unobtrusive and visitors are seldom able to spot them
- In the event of fire, get out, stay out and call the fire service out.
Kent Fire and Rescue Service offers free home fire safety checks to all Kent residents. They take around 30 minutes and include tips on night time routines, cooking safely with oil or fat, the dangers of smoking materials, care with candles, electrical safety and planning escape routes in the event of fire. Free 10-year battery smoke alarms are also fitted where needed. Contact your nearest fire station or contact the Community Safety team on 0800 923 7000 to take advantage of this service. For further fire safety information log onto|

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