Statement on Emily Sanger and Martin Salmon
Shepway Liberal Democrats confirm that Cllr Emily Sanger is no longer a Lib Dem member of either the Lib Dem Shepway District Council Group or the Lib Dem Town Council Group.
This is a result of Cllr Sanger failing to maintain her membership of the Liberal Democrats, and her recent decisions to support Councillors from other political groups in a recent series of elections to positions on committees. Martin Salmon has also decided to leave the Liberal Democrat Town Council Group.
Leader of the Lib Dems on Shepway District Council Cllr Lynne Beaumont said:
"We wish Cllr Sanger all the best for the future."
Leader of the Lib Dems on Folkestone Town Council, Tim Prater, said:
"We hope Martin and Emily continue to play a full and active part in the town, and thank them for their contribution to the Lib Dems in recent years.
The Liberal Democrats continue to be the largest group on the Town Council with 9 of 18 Councillors across the town.

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