Streamlining the NHS in Kent: Interim Shadow Local Healthwatch Board
An invitiation from Roger Gough, Kent County Council's Cabinet Member for Business Strategy, Performance & Health Reform:
"Kent County Council aims to establish an interim Shadow Local Healthwatch Board in September 2012 to run for 6-8 months - until the formal Local Healthwatch organisation establishes its own governance structure.
"The Shadow Local Healthwatch will test and begin to embed the emerging model, for effective handover to the formal Local Healthwatch, as it becomes established in April 2013.
The Shadow Local Healthwatch Board will work closely with the Kent Local Involvement Network during the transition period to build on the Kent LINk legacy and begin to create the developing model in practice, to ensure that the new requirements of a Local Healthwatch can be successfully met in Kent."
I'm sure this will make people healthier and happier in Kent, and reduce the bureaucracy and duplication which has at times dogged the NHS and wider health provision.
I'm just not sure how.

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