Summer Events Programming in Folkestone’s Lower Leas Coastal Park. Expressions of interest invited
Shepway District Council's Culture & Communities Service is inviting arts and cultural events organisers to submit expressions of interest in providing a summer family events programme for the amphitheatre and coastal park in 2011.
Any interested party should submit up to 2 sides of A4 setting out the programme theme and possible events, rationale for them, proposed management arrangements, proposed publicity arrangements, previous experience, and attaching CVs of key personnel.
The programme should include at least 3 large events (using the amphitheatre). Expressions of interest are invited from any group, business or individual based in East Kent. Events should take place in Folkestone's Coastal Park between June and September 2011.
Additional information: Events will be provided under an SLA between the council and the eventual providers. Events must be open to the general public and provided free of charge. Shepway District Council will additionally provide advice and guidance, and some promotion via newsletter and summer events guide.
Deadline for Expressions of Interest is 10th January 2011 to be submitted to or by post to Amanda Oates, 2nd Floor, Shepway District Council, Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone CT20 2QY. Following consideration, up to 3 possible providers will be asked to develop a more detailed outline programme with budget etc, the deadline for which will be 31st January 2011.
This initiative is being undertaken as part of "Going Out", the Council's Arts Development Strategy 2009-2012, which seeks to support local arts practitioners.

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