Temporary (9 week) Closure - Folkestone Household Waste Recycling Centre, Shorncliffe (Ross Way) [Updated]
Kent County Council need to carry-out major repairs at the Folkestone Household Waste Recycling Centre at Shorncliffe, which will necessitate a complete closure of the facility for around 9 weeks from 31 August.
The works will include the rebuilding of the structural concrete slab on which the compaction machines run up and down on. Once the concrete is laid it takes several weeks before it comes up to full strength and the machines can be brought back onto site. The site will also have operational areas resurfaced during this time.
Kent County Council say:
"The work involves essential repairs to the fabric of the site, including a complete re-build of the compactor support structure and re-surfacing of the operational areas. It is a busy facility and due to the limited space available, it would be difficult to carry-out these works safely and efficiently without a full closure.
"The construction contractor (Ringway) will start work in early September, which should mean they can complete the works before the on-set of the winter and the risk of adverse weather conditions could delay progress. We are therefore planning to close the site with effect from Tuesday 31 August 2010 (immediately after the Bank Holiday). The closure will last for approximately 9 weeks.
"We are mindful of the impact this will have on our customers and the potential for increased fly-tipping in the area. Accordingly we are planning various mitigating measures as follows:
- From closure date, the site entrance will be manned throughout the hours the site would normally be open. Customers will be given leaflets explaining the closure with directions/maps to the nearest alternative facilities at Hawkinge, Dover, and Ashford. A sign board will be set up outside the site with details of alternative facilities and contact information.
- The nearest alternative site at Hawkinge is not normally open on Sundays but will be open throughout the weekend, whilst Shorncliffe is closed.
- Additional staff will be provided at the alternative sites to help deal with the increased usage.
- Fly-tipping at the site entrance and immediate locality will be monitored and cleared daily. Shepway DC will be paying extra attention to monitoring and dealing with any increase in fly-tipping in the wider area.
- In advance of the closure, notices will be posted in the local press and at the site.
- The Kent County Council and Shepway District Council Contact Centres will be suitably briefed.
- The websites will provide appropriate information on alternative facilities
"All these measures will be monitored, regularly reviewed, and adjusted to meet needs as necessary throughout the closure period."
County Councillor for Folkestone West, Tim Prater, commented:
"I have been reassured by the Kent Waste Operations Manager that they will try to keep the period of closure to a minimum, and hopefully 9 weeks is the 'worst case scenario'. There is never going to be a good time for a closure of this length, but the rebuilding of the compactor support slab involves laying a lot of new concrete that will take a long time to fully harden."
You can find details of the Hawkinge Waste and Recycling Centre (Fenfield Lane, Hawkinge CT18 7AW) at http://www.kent.gov.uk/environment_and_planning/recycling_and_waste/ways_to_recycle/waste_and_recycling_centres/folkestone_hawkinge.aspx
You can find details of the Dover / Whitfield Waste and Recycling Centre (Honeywood Road, Whitfield, Dover CT16 3EH) at http://www.kent.gov.uk/environment_and_planning/recycling_and_waste/ways_to_recycle/waste_and_recycling_centres/dover_whitfield.aspx
UPDATE 1 September: After being asked by a number of residents, Tim Prater has checked and confirmed that Hawkinge Waste and Recycling Centre IS open all week as well as additionally at weekends. Kent have decided not to promote that to try to reduce the number of users at Hawkinge during the week, but it is open to the public throughout the week.

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