Temporary Overnight Road Closure: Risborough Way, Cheriton - from 10 March 2011

Kent Highways have notified that it is necessary to close Risborough Way, Cheriton, Folkestone from Thursday 10 March 2011 for 2 nights. Works are planned to be carried between 7.00 pm and 5.00 am, with the road re-opened outside these hours.
Risborough Way will be closed at the junction with Risborough Lane.
There will be no access for through traffic between Shorncliffe Road and Risborough Lane.
The alternative route is via Enbrook Valley, Enbrook Road, B2063 Military Road and Risborough Lane.
The closure is to enable essential urgent repairs to be carried out to the road surface and traffic island at this junction.
Folkestone west County Councillor Tim Prater commented:
"Having reported the appalling state of the road at this junction and the recent damage to the traffic island, I'm pleased this work has been timetabled. I hope the required closure does not cause too much inconvience to local residents."

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