The Best Team for Shepway
I'm determined that the Liberal Democrats will use the forthcoming local election campaign to fight for the services and issues that really effect local people.
Across Shepway, we're getting our strongest ever team of candidates in place for seats across the District - candidates who would make excellent Councillors, and will really fight for our area. Over the past 15 years (I'm getting old!) I've campaigned in many different places across the country. I'm proud to say I've never seen such a large, talented team as we have here in Shepway.
And it's a team who are committed, and principled. They want to HELP local people, and they want to see our district, towns and villages really improve.
And we cam improve our area - by focusing on fixing the most important things first.
Our streets MUST be clean - and they currently simply are not too often.
Our area MUST be safe - we need to cut crime NOT police. We need co-ordinated, multi-agency action to ensure local streets are safe and well lit for all.
And We MUST take a lead of setting the green agenda. Our Councils should be taking a lead in helping us be as green as we can be, and setting an example. From extending recycling collection to flats to encouraging green energy use to becoming more efficient themselves - there is much to do, and done well, it could make us proud.
And we DO already make a difference. As just one example, in the last week, we can be hugely proud that its been announced that the Gurkhas will now get the same pensions as British soldiers. Peter Carroll was one of the first to stand up and help the Gurkhas in 2004, and the Shepway Lib Dems have been amongst their staunchest supporters ever since.
Across Shepway Lib Dems, thank you to all who have helped the Gurkha campaign, from making posters, helping organise and attend rallies, assisting with petitions, setting up web sites and more. And most of all - congratulations to the Gurkhas who have served our Country, and have finally got some of the recognition that deserves. I hope you are as proud of yourselves as we are of you.
Other examples include our strong and vocal support for the Royal Victoria Hospital campaign, principled action over Lydd Airport, and effective local action such as supporting the sucessful campaign to keep local schools such as Harcourt in Cheriton open.
And Shepway Council has much to answer for. In the last two years, they have wasted over £1 million on the recycling fiasco. They have wasted £1 million on outside consultants for sports centres that it now seems will never be built - because the business case they put has been dismissed by Government. £2 million waste in 2 years. From a TORY Council.
So looking forward to May, we've put together a campaign to get the maximum number of Liberal Democrat Councillors elected in May to Shepway District and our Town Councils. However, despite the huge generosity of our supporters across Shepway, we still need to raise £3,000 to allow us to plan through to the end of the campaign. As examples:
- £100 would pay for a leaflet for a ward during the campaign
- £700 would pay for a newspaper for wards across Shepway
- £50 will pay for 1,000 letters to key voters in a ward.
We really need all the help we can get to continue to run the most effective campaign we can.
I hope you will feel able to support us with a donation to support our campaign, to give us the best possible chance in May's election. Please send a cheque payable to "Shepway Liberal Democrats" for whatever you feel you can afford to Tim Prater, Shepway Lib Dems, FREEPOST CU592, CT20 3BR.
Thank you.

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