The Folkestone West Labour Candidate... from DOVER! the close of nominations for Kent County Council, Labour seem to have already given up on Folkestone West by fielding a candidate who lives in DOVER!
The Labour candidate's Dover address is shown on the official "statement of persons nominated", and he's even standing for Dover District Council on the same day for a seat there!
Lib Dem County Councillor for Folkestone West Tim Prater commented:
"Labour know they can't win in Folkestone West, and their choice of candidate living in Dover proves it. In 2009 they came last in FIFTH place here and always struggle in elections in Shepway: They haven't had a Councillor elected anywhere in Shepway since 2005."
The list of candidates also reveals that only Tim Prater and the Conservative candidate live in Folkestone West division. The other three candidates live in central Folkestone and Hythe.
It's clear that Folkestone West will again be a fight between the Lib Dems and the Conservatives. In 2009 Lib Dem Tim Prater snatched the seat from Shepway Conservative Leader Robert Bliss by just 11 votes.
Tim Prater said:
"I'm standing on my record of fighting for Folkestone and Sandgate, standing up for local services and giving a real say to Folkestone West residents. I've been honoured to be the County Councillor for the area where I live and work for the last four years, and would be honoured to be elected again."

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