The Queens Speech
Yesterday's Queen's Speech was unlike any we have seen for years. It was not simply another list of bills from a government determined to rule from the centre. It was not simply a speech from another one-party Government able to push through measures without the support of a majority of the country.
Instead, the speech marked the beginning of a radical move to rebalance the relationship between people and their government, making life better for everyone.
It was the first time the Queen has ever delivered a speech listing the Bills to be introduced by a coalition government.
It is a testament to the hard work of Liberal Democrat campaigners and supporters across the country that crucial policies we fought the election on will now be enacted in Government. It is these policies that, although times are tough and savings will have to be made, will ensure that our country is made a fairer place.
I am looking forward to overseeing a radical programme of political reform that will result in an House of Lords elected on a proportional basis, the right to sack corrupt MPs and a referendum to finally change our outdated voting system.
A Great Repeal Bill will roll back Labour's surveillance state, scrapping ID cards, the children's database and restoring civil liberties.
In areas like education, health and policing people are going to get much greater powers over the services in their area. And we are going to hand more powers to communities and councils.
This will have a real impact for people, not just giving them control, but also making Britain a better place to live with good schools, a stronger economy, support for businesses and real action on the environment.
For too long the Queen's Speech has been used by the government to explain how it is going to hoard more power in Whitehall. We have now explained how we will start giving that power back.

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