The things you get asked to do...
While attending the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Election Count in Folkestone and Hythe today, the Coservatives were *very* keen I took a picture of their counting agent team for them (presumably to prove their their agent that they were actually there). I'm not at all sure how it helps them, but I'm always happy to help out...

The slightly strained expressions on their faces may be due to the result. In Folkestone & Hythe, the result was:
Ann Barnes | Dai Liyanage | Craig Mackinlay | Steve Uncles | Piers Wauchope | Harriet Bronwen Yeo | Turnout |
10,554 | 327 | 2,683 | 698 | 1,216 | 984 | 20.30% |
Across Kent (as I write) Ann Barnes has won every constituency so far, with one to declare. It looks likely that although massively ahead, it will go to a 2nd count, with Ann Barnes receiving just under 50% of the total vote...

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