Tim and Princes Parade: The Slightly Windy Movie
The County Council elections are not JUST about getting a Councillor who works hard through the year, keeps in touch, and gets things done (although I hope, and think, I am that Councillor).
EVERY vote for Tim Prater in the Kent County Council Elections in Cheriton, Sandgate and Hythe East will send a clear message to the Conservatives: this is NOT over. This IS personal. We CAN still Save Princes Parade.
<iframe style="border: none; overflow: hidden;" src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?height=314&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Ftimprater%2Fvideos%2F10165198105445444%2F&show_text=false&width=560" width="560" height="314" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
Electing Tim Prater and not the Conservative on Thursday will send the local Conservatives a clear message that this is NOT over. We need to make that point loud and clear. If enough local Conservative Couuncillors and campaign managers hear it loudly enough, they can force the U-turn on this project from their own leadership. There are already some with serious doubts. Losing Cheriton, Sandgate and Hythe East will make those doubts more serious still.
This is a team effort. Residents, campaigners, councillors from three parties have worked together oppposing this, and will continue to do so. We'll use the evidence of the pre-service contract (as I discuss at https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10165065545285444&id=723210443) and scrutinse every detail. We will want to see the numbers, ensure that costs are not increasing, that quotes are firm and not liable to explode at taxpayers expense and full details of everything their investigation has found made public before they start any construction phase. The more people there are in that team, and the more positions of influence they hold, the better. It is likely that the price of building will be far higher than the price in their plans at the moment. the contract may make that clear, and the cost could kill the project.
And there may still be things that can be done at County level. The rerouting of the road is not yet a done deal, and there are conditions that have yet to be met on that. An active team of non-Conservatives from this area on Kent County Council would ensure that that responsibility was investigated and taken seriously to safeguard the area. Can I Save Princes Parade alone if elected on Thursday? No. Would my election send a clear message to the Conservatives that this is not over? Will I be an active part of a team still trying to Save Princes Parade? Yes.