Tories give green light to litter bugs, fly-tippers and anti-social behaviour

Local Conservative MP Michael Howard is under fire from the Liberal Democrats for opposing important measures to help councils protect the local environment.
The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill will grant tough new powers to tackle litter bugs, fly-tippers, fly-posters and other types of antisocial and criminal behaviour that damage the environment.
Liberal Democrat parliamentary spokesperson for Folkestone and Hythe, Peter Carroll, said;
"Michael Howard has let down local residents and businesses suffering from fly-tipping, abandoned cars and other symptoms of anti-social behaviour by failing to support this important Bill.
"The Conservatives like to talk tough about anti-social behaviour, so how come when there's a measure going through Parliament that would help tackle it they don't support it?"
"The Conservatives have said they don't think the measures in the Bill are needed in rural areas, like the Marsh. This is an astonishing claim. Do they live in the real world? They clearly care little about farmers whose land is repeatedly used by fly-tippers."
"The Conservatives are rejecting an opportunity to provide much stronger environmental protection in both town and country. They clearly do not understand the importance of a clean and safe local environment to the quality of people's lives."

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