Tram Way Two Way: Harbour Town Councillor Lee Walker Speaks Out

After hearing many rumblings over the last few months of the proposal to change Tram Road from a one way system into a two way road I heard from several local residents that there was to be an exhibition to showcase the changes. A few local residents had also received letters explaining this, and there was a small article (although publishing the wrong opening times!) appeared in the Folkestone Herald.
After visiting the exhibition (or 4 maps!) laying out the idea I have to say I came away as baffled as I went in. The gentleman who I spoke to explained the idea was to create better links with the harbour and surrounding town, offering a freer flowing route for drivers and incorporating a new bus route. However, this was to be done on a shoestring budget and mainly involved new signage and the painting of some lines.
When I questioned him regarding:
- the volume of traffic along the route;
- the parking of cars;
- the arch that carries Radnor Bridge Road;
- the tightness of the junction of Southern Way, Tram Road and Warren Road
- the current struggle for lorries to turn into Tram Road how these areas would cope with large vehicles such as buses and lorries; was met with "well the road used to be two way".
I've been a resident of this area of Folkestone on and off for the last 33 years and I can never remember the road being two way apart from a very small section at the top.
A local resident commented to me that it was going to create more problems than it would solve: increasing road noise, cutting down on parking spaces, leading to the danger of more accidents.
He felt that the present system was fine and once again on the heels of the parking fiasco the needs and wants of the local people have not been heard. Worse, residents in Burrow Road and Dyke Road said they had not even seen any letters regarding the plans!
I agree with them. The plan to change the road layout seems ludicrous as residents will lose much needed parking spaces, the road will become noisier and that there will be an increase in accidents at all the junctions especially when you get large vehicles trying to pass one another. I'll continue to local residents who would be affected by any change, and to stand up for them. If you have views on making Tram Way two-way that you would like to send me, please email

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