TV Retuning in Folkestone West
Folkestone and Sandgate have recently switched to a digital TV signal. Those with digital equipment needed to retune on the 13th and 27th June. For those using an analogue TV, a ʻdigiboxʼ is now required to make it work - low cost boxes are available at all major electrical retailers.
For those eligible for the help scheme (over 75, or on Disability Living Allowance) the help scheme number is 0800 4085 900. They will upgrade one TV per household to digital.
Non-digital DVD recorders will also be affected. Those receiving SKY, FreeSat or cable are unaffected.
If you need help Voluntary Action Within Kent will be at the Chichester Hall on Saturday 7th July. They will have leaflets and advice on retuning, new DVD equipment, aerials and the Help scheme.

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