Unbelievable support for nurses and health care assistants
It's been nearly two months since we announced our six priorities for UK health, and the response has been unbelievable.
More than 20,000 people have signed on to our priorities, and the RCN community has delivered more than 17,500 letters to the party leaders and candidates. We're sending a powerful message that UK voters are committed to creating a healthier nation.
We've got a video showing just how big a difference we can make in the general election. Please take a few minutes to watch at http://generalelection.rcn.org.uk/nursingvideo - and then share it with everyone you know who cares about UK health.
With an average of more than 1,800 nurses and health care assistants in each constituency - and thousands more members of the public supporting their work - we represent a major voting block that will play an important role in the outcome of the general election.
Every day, our movement grows bigger. Every day, our voices grow louder. And every day, we get closer to making sure our government does what's best for nurses and patients.
Help build this movement even more. Watch our video and send it to all your friends, family, and colleagues http://generalelection.rcn.org.uk/nursingvideo

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