Unlock the Doors at County Hall

Let's blast open the doors of County Hall: that's the message of the Lib Dem team for the County Council elections in May.
"The County Council doesn't know best what services we need. Local people do." says Folkestone campaigner Lynne Beaumont.
"Lib Dems are giving local residents power in Kent and nationally: lets do it right across Shepway."
"We need to blast open the doors at County Hall. We need to listen. If local people want a debate on an important issue, then it should be debated without needing many thousands of signatures."
"If residents want to put their point or ask a question of Council or committee, they should be allowed to do so."
"All meetings should be open to the public: closed meetings like 'Locality Boards' must be opened up."
"The Lib Dems in Kent have fought to open up the County Council, but are often voted down by the Conservatives. Every vote for the Lib Dems in May will be used to open it up more."
Romney Marsh campaigner Ted Last agrees. He says:
"We need to open up our County Hall to real scrutiny."
"We need to get local decisions made locally - not in Maidstone."
"And we need our Councillors to stand up for our area: not defend County decisions to local people."

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