Update on the Folkestone Triennal
Thank you for your continuous interest in the upcoming Folkestone Triennial - we wanted to update you on recent activities.
The Folkestone Triennial is gathering momentum. We have received significant national press coverage and we are more convinced than ever that it will be one of the most important cultural events of 2008.
We have been successful in raising £2 million from The Roger De Haan Charitable Trust, Arts Council England, The Henry Moore Foundation, The Folkestone Estate, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Goethe Institut London, Shepway District Council, Kent County Council, SEEDA and Bernard Sunley Charitable Trust.
A further £200K is still required for us to deliver all aspects of the project - we are doing a final push!
Our team has developed an ambitious education and access programme to compliment the Triennial. The educational activities include debates, dialogues, talks, tours, discussions and workshops. We have also developed specially tailored tours and workshops for schools and community groups.
All the artist projects (23!) are progressing extremely well. Many of the artists, including Jeremy Deller, Tacita Dean, Christian Boltanski, Kaffe Matthews, and Pae White, are now working in Folkestone ? some of them with local communities and school children.
The Folkestone Triennial will be open from 14th June / 14th September.
Our website is now live! Please visit us on http://www.folkestonetriennial.org.uk.

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