Valebrook Close Planning Application Rejected
Shepway Council has rejected a planning application in Valebrook Close, Cheriton. Planning permission had been sought for the erection of two detached dwelling houses with integral garages on a site adjacent to 65 Valebook Close.
The reason given for the refusal on the full notification was: (available from the Council and online at is that:
"The proposed dwellings by reason of their elevated level, form, mass, size, bulk and siting would constitute an over dominant and overbearing form of development which would not physically or visually interrelate with the exiting scale, size and pattern of residential development in the locality to the detriment of the street-scene and the semi-rural character of this urban fringe area and which would be detrimental to the amenities of the residents of the neighbouring dwellings, in particular the residents adjoining the north west boundary of the site."
Cheriton Town Councillor Tim Prater sits on Folkestone Town Council's planning committee and has welcomed the rejection of this application. Tim said:
"I'm delighted that this decision is in line with the recommendation of the Folkestone Town Council planning committee (on which I sit), which voted to object to this development in June.
"The decision also backs up the views of the local residents who I have spoken to that felt the proposed two buildings would be too big and overwhelming - the joint height of the site and the proposed buildings would have towered over neighbouring gardens."

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