"Vote Blue - Go Green"? Not in Shepway. Vote Yellow
Despite the Conservative controlled Shepway District Council (SDC) voting in favour of the expansion of London Ashford Airport (LAA) on March 3rd, the battle to stop this disastrous decision continues. The Government Office of the South East (GOSE) has deferred their deadline to contemplate SDC's decision until June 11th, after the General Election.
Keep The Marsh Special Alliance Chair, Rob Ryan, commented:
"We find it almost unbelievable that the majority of Conservative Councillors sat there and voted in favour, despite hearing all the eligible evidence against expansion, namely damage to legally protected habitats, bird hazard risk, potential nuclear safety risks, damage to local tourism and so on. All supposedly for a few jobs that may not even materialise - look at the trouble Manston had in filling flights to Virginia a few years ago! Even with KCC money it still flopped.
"Shepway Conservatives seem to be singing from a different hymn sheet from their national party, which KMSA cannot fathom. How voting blue means going green seems strange to say the least. There is nothing 'green' about an expanded airport next to an internationally protected bird reserve."
Rob Ryan has resigned from the Green Party and joined the Liberal Democrats, and pledged his vote to Folkestone and Hythe Lib Dem Lynne Beaumont for the 6th May General Election. The KMSA Chair says he is backing the Liberal Democrats as the only viable alternative in Shepway to the Tory controlled 'greenwash'.
KMSA was formed in Autumn 2005, and consists of an alliance between Shepway Friends of the Earth, Shepway Liberal Democrats, Kent Green Party, The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) - Kent Branch, and local residents. Its principle aim is to prevent the expansion of London Ashford Airport (Lydd) from 5000 passengers per annum (ppa) now, to 2 million ppa in the future, so that the quality of life and the Romney Marsh environment remain intact.
We believe the success and economic development of the Marsh depends upon promoting its uniqueness, through more sustainable means such as ecotourism and renewable energy projects. Website http://www.kmsa.org.uk/

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