We must back Gurkhas together
How good it is to see our outgoing MP, Michael Howard, support a decision granting leave to a Gurkha to stay in our country. It is only right that we support a man who fought for our country and Tul Bahadur Pun VC deserves our sincerest gratitude. It is a sign of our thanks and recognition of his bravery that Tul should be allowed to come here.
Many retired Gurkhas and local people may well wonder how sincere Mr Howard is given his weak role in the recent campaigns to get citizenship rights and fairer pensions. During 2004 when these campaigns where gathering momentum I believe Mr Howard failed to use his position as leader of the Opposition to any great effect in these matters. Indeed, I recall the local 'furore' when his office issued a press release which seemed to suggest it was entirely proper for retired Gurkhas to be sent home after their service. This press release was subsequently retracted as an 'error' but the whole business left me thinking that his support could and should have been stronger.
The retired Gurkhas are still suffering great injustices. It is the duty of all politicians in all Parties that they should unite around the cause of Gurkha justice and force the Government to resolve this matter.

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