Well Done to Pent Valley: Ofsted Score Them "Good"
8 Feb 2013
The Ofsted report on its January inspection of Pent Valley Technology College in Surrenden Road, Folkestone has given the school an assessment of "Good". they say:
This is a good school.
- Students make good progress and achieve well. Progress accelerates as students move up through the school and they achieve particularly well in English.
- Teaching in most subjects, including English, mathematics and science, is good.
- Students' behaviour around the school is good. Their conduct, manners and punctuality are good. They are courteous to adults, welcoming to visitors and generally respectful of one another.
- The headteacher and members of the governing body have a clear vision for the direction of the school. They have a well defined and effective strategy to raise standards of teaching and achievement to the very highest levels.
- Students in the sixth form make good progress at A level. Relationships and behaviour of sixth formers are a positive influence on younger students.
The full report should soon be available from the Ofsted website.

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