Where are the Weapons?
Reacting to the publication of the Hutton report today, Shepway Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesman Peter Carroll said "The aftermath of the Hutton report has been more dramatic that many people expected. The most senior managers of our greatest broadcasting institution the BBC have resigned on the basis that they were ultimately accountable for 'errors made'.
"However, we are in danger of missing the essential and most serious aspect of this whole episode. Namely, that we went to war on what is patently a false basis. We were told by the Prime Minister that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction that could be used in 45 minutes. Hutton says that he did not lie, but we are still left with the fact that not one such weapon has been found. Who in the Government is accountable for this 'error made'?
"The journalistic errors of the BBC caused offence and damaged personal reputations. The intelligence errors by the Government precipitated a war in which much was risked and thousands died. It is high time that an inquiry was set up to answer the question - Where are the Weapons?

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