Where Were They?

Snow had been forecast for the East of Kent, 4 days in advance of the latest snowfalls. Kent County Council have been announcing, proudly, that they have plenty of salt. So why, oh why, was it not on the roads of Shepway last night and today?
Early yesterday evening, I attended a meeting in Hythe, and had to drive down Horn Street, leading from Cheriton to Seabrook. I lived on Horn Street for 17 years, and have never seen anything like it. The road was sheet ice, mirror glass. Everywhere there were abandoned cars, and bemused people doing their best to stay safe.
Where were the gritters? Where had the gritters been all day?
Chaos was everywhere. Why?
Roads have been impassable and closed across Folkestone, Hythe and Sandgate all night and many still are dangerous this afternoon. This will have cost the businesses of Folkestone and the surrounding area hundreds of thousands of pounds. Children could not attend schools or nurseries. Elderly people have been isolated in their homes. Buses couldn't run. Care agencies unable to get to vulnerable people.
There was absolutely no need for this chaos. Kent County Council are responsible for gritting the roads. They haven't. They knew it was happening and they have let us down, again. There can be no excuses this time: an apology is not good enough.
Nick Chard, the Kent Cabinet member with this responsibility, should wake up and smell the coffee, and look out of his window - or get someone actually in in Shepway to look out of theirs. Mr Chard, the unpassable roads of Shepway last night and today are your responsibility, your error. It is time to stand aside and let someone who cares, and can keep main roads safe, take the lead.

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