Who'd be a Social Worker?
Having been to an excellent (and very well attended by Councillors from all Parties) briefing session on Safeguarding Children at Kent County Council today, I have even more respect for those who have to do the difficult, and often harrowing, job of helping to safeguard children - within Kent and elsewhere. There was a lot to digest and think about, but one set of figures stood out.
- Children in care are 5 times less likely to get 5 good GCSEs
- Children in care are 5 times more likely to be excluded from school
- Children in care are 4 times more likely to suffer from mental health problems
- Children in care have a 1 in 10 chance of having 10 placements by age 11
- Children in care are 3 times more likely to become pregnant as teenagers
- Children in care are 3 times more likely to be cautioned for or convicted of an offence (a quarter of adult prisoners have spent time in care)
The use of care is a last resort - I know that. And when a child has been settled and gets out of care into a new long term family then they won't be part of these statistics - I know that too. We're talking about the most difficult, troubled cases. But it still FEELS so wrong.