Whoops, they did it again: For the fourth time running, Kent set lower council tax rise before county elections

Research by the Liberal Democrats shows that Kent County Council have had a lower Council tax rise in the run-up to EVERY one of the last 4 County Council elections.
In the last four years, Kent County Council have set Council Tax rises of:
- 2005-06: 4.75%
- 2006-07: 4.95%
- 2007-08: 3.90%
- 2008-09: 2.85% [Election Year]
In shock news, the Council Tax rise immediately before the 2009 election is the lowest of the last four years. The same pattern emerged for the previous 4 year period:
- 2001-02: 9.20%
- 2002-03: 12.50%
- 2003-04: 5.66%
- 2004-05: 3.70% [Election Year]
...and for the previous 4 year election period:
- 1997-98: 13.15%
- 1998-99: 8.95%
- 1999-00: 8.40%
- 2000-01: 6.34% [Election Year]
...and for the previous 4 year election period:
- 1993-94: 7.20%
- 1994-95: 5.44%
- 1995-96: 5.57%
- 1996-97: 4.60% [Election Year]
Liberal Democrat Shepway District Councillor Tim Prater commented:
"What a remarkable coincidence: in every one of the last four elections, Council tax rises at Kent County Council fell in the year before an election. After the elections in 1997, 2001 and 2005, Council Tax rises went back up again immediately afterwards - sometimes by a huge amount.
"No tax payer should be surprised if Kent's cynical Conservatives do the same thing again next year. There is every reason to believe that Kent's history will repeat itself, and the low tax rise election bribe of this year will be paid for by a bigger tax rise next year."

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