Why are YOU a Liberal Democrat?
What do people mean by liberalism (or, if you prefer, liberal democracy)? What do our beliefs and values have to offer the country over the next five years?
Every Liberal Democrat member will have their own answers to those questions, but the party hasn't attempted to describe its basic philosophy in full for more than ten years. Given the result of the 2015 election, coupled with the huge influx of new members, the Federal Policy Committee thinks it's time we did so again. Discussing and articulating our basic beliefs - the backbone around which we build our policies on specific issues - is a vital part of our fightback.
As part of this process the Liberal Democrats have published a consultation paper to prompt discussion on Liberal Democrat philosophy and values and on the policy challenges the country and the party will face over the next five years. We have also published a collection of essays by a range of party thinkers setting out their individual views on the question.
The Party want to get the views of as many members as possible and you can submit your ideas on the party website. At the Bournemouth Liberal Democrat Federal Autumn conference we will be running two consultative sessions in the auditorium. Please do encourage other members whom you think might be interested to contribute to the debate.
We're also organising an essay competition, open to everyone, on the theme of 'What does it means to be a Liberal Democrat today?'. The deadline is 5 October - we hope you'll feel able to contribute.