Will you add your support for a new UK Military and Veterans's Hospital?
I've recently been asked to sign a petition in support of a new dedicated UK military and veterans' hospital, and would like to ask you to do the same by signing the petition at http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Wounded/.
As the organiser of the petition says:
"The current facility at Selly Oak is doing a great job but cannot cope with the numbers returning from conflict abroad.
"Two Para alone has on this tour sent more than 50 casualties to the UK, and all cannot be accommodated at Selly Oak. When you include casualties from other battle groups to this figure, a single ward in an NHS hospital is not going cope. Troops being sent home to recover are relying on NHS services which are already over committed. This country needs a dedicated military facility - it is an important issue and one which the whole military family should support.
"Only 8,500 people have signed so far which is a tiny amount when compared to other petitions. Many more names are needed and Downing Street has put a time limit of one month for people to sign up.
"Time is short so please act quickly. Sign up by visiting the link below, and please pass it on.

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