You Decide: Go Vipers!
You voted the Valley Vipers top at the "You Decide" Day last month! Valley Vipers Youth Wheelchair Basketball Club are based at Pent Valley Leisure Centre.
They won their grant for explaining why they needed new specially adapted wheelchairs to allow more young people to take part in their games.
Overall, 11 projects out of 20 applicants won grants. Around 100 residents were at the Tower Theatre to decide how to allocate £18,000 of grant funding.
2010 was the 2nd year that Folkestone West County Councillor Tim Prater has given power direct to residents.
Afterwards, Tim said:
"I'm grateful to everyone who came along. They decided which projects they wanted to support with funding, not me!
"We listened to comments from last year to make the day even better. We included an exhibition area to allow projects to give more information about themselves and had news about other sources of funding available.
"All of the applications were excellent, which made the job of deciding between them very difficult!"
The projects which received the full amount they bid for were:
Valley Vipers Wheelchair Basketball Club - £2,000
Skillnet Group CIC - £2,000
Folkestone and Hythe Sea Cadets - £1,892.02
Shepway Local Planning and Monitoring Group - £1,500
Decuria Youth Club - £1,300.66
Folkestone, Dover Hythe Samaritans - £1,500
Folkestone and Hythe Operatic & Drama Society - £2,000
Songs and Noise - £1,000
Working Wardrobe CIC - £1,970
Folkestone Film Factory - £2,000
"Reading By Colour" received the remaining £837.32 towards increasing the provision of free screening at the point of need for Irlen syndrome.

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