You Know Where I Stand: Creating A Vibrant Local Economy
I will campaign vigorously as a Prospective Parliamentary candidate to support the regeneration of the Folkestone Harbour area which become run down over the last 20 or so years. I'm very interested in what Roger De Haan and other potential investors are looking to do.
As someone who has dedicated nearly all of his professional life to the development of small businesses I would campaign hard to set local businesses free. I want to see the regulatory burden on small business people significantly reduced so that they can get on with running their businesses. Both Conservative and Labour governments have a poor track record in this area. The Liberal Democrats, as the party of personal and economic freedom should be the natural champions of small business.
I will work hard to attract new, environmentally sustainable investment and jobs to the constituency. I would lobby the South East England Development Agency to provide more support to local people who want to and are able to start their own small businesses to get the support they need.
To ensure the sustainability of local communities and, as someone who used to live in the rural areas of the constituency, I would fight hard with local Councillors, campaigners and local people to save local Post Offices. Post offices and village shops are the lifeblood of local communities and should be supported to stay open.

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