Your Freedom: Liberal Democrats Leading Open Government

We've already scrapped ID cards. Now I'd like to ask you - which other laws do you want to scrap?
The Liberal Democrats have always stood up for civil liberties, scrapping unnecessary laws and reducing the burden of regulation on businesses and charities.
In our manifesto, we proposed a Freedom Bill to roll back Labour's attacks on British civil liberties. In government, we are doing just that.
Yesterday I launched Your Freedom at, a national dialogue on how to create a more open, inclusive society. Anyone can make suggestions about which laws we need to scrap and where we can cut red tape. You can also rate and comment on other people's suggestions. The best ideas will be put into practice - because this is a listening government.
This is the open government we have long campaigned for. So tell us about every time you've felt snooped on by the state, or had to fill in the same form three times. Help us put Liberal Democrat values into practice in Government.
I know people are talking about this up and down the country - so please do have your say and pass this message on to anyone who has ideas for Your Freedom.

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