Your Shepway: The Hythe councillor who lives 180 miles away

From the Your Shepway newspaper 13 February: Shepway Tories are facing a political storm with the revelation that one of their members has not resigned her seat six weeks after moving to Somerset.
Hythe West councillor Linda Oliver left Shepway for Bath, and local Liberal Democrats are accusing Shepway Tories of showing contempt for voters. They are referring to a statement released by the Conservatives on November 12 indicating that Cllr Oliver would stand down when she could "no longer fulfil her elected role".
However, despite living 180 miles from her ward, Cllr Oliver is entitled to keep her seat as long as she attends one district council meeting every six months. Cllr Oliver, who is also a member of Hythe Town Council, maintains that she is capable of representing the interests of Hythe West residents.
"Until such a time as I cannot do my duties, I will continue to be a councillor for Hythe West," she said.
"I am still receiving emails, I still receive letters and I still take calls. My husband and I have moved to be closer to our family - this has not affected my ability to represent my constituents."
Cllr Oliver's husband also remains a councillor for Hythe Town Council.
Under local government legislation, Cllr Oliver can remain a district councillor - and collect the £3,775 annual salary that goes with the job.
Cllr Lynne Beaumont, leader of Shepway's Liberal Democrats, said her party would be pushing for a Hythe West by-election.
"Of course she can't fulfil her role - it is a case of take the money and run," said Cllr Beaumont.
"To be fair to Cllr Oliver, we had the impression that they wanted to resign their posts when they moved away, but their party would not let them.
"It is absolutely appalling. They have to step down and they have to step down now - Hythe West needs a by-election as soon as possible."
But Cllr Robert Bliss, leader of Shepway District Council, believes Cllr Oliver can still carry out her elected role.
"How often do you actually meet people these days? We have the internet and telephones if people need to get in touch with us.
"There is no necessary reason for her to step down - and she has the support of the officers of the council."
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