Horn Street, Cheriton closure (again)
Horn Street will be closed between junction of Queens Avenue to the junction of Craythorne Close from 26 October 2009 for 1 week.
Horn Street will be closed between junction of Queens Avenue to the junction of Craythorne Close from 26 October 2009 for 1 week.
Leap Folkestone, organised by Shepway District Council, is part of the Leap Years programme of events co-ordinated by EKLAAP (East Kent Local Authority Arts Partnership) is a FREE Parkour performance in Folkestone by local students this Saturday. Parkour (free-running) is the discipline of overcoming obstacles with efficient and fluid movement.
New Lib Dem County Councillor Tim Prater is the first in Folkestone to give power direct to local residents to decide on which projects they want to see backed with £15,000 of grant funding.
New Lib Dem County Councillor Tim Prater is the first in Folkestone to give power direct to local residents to decide on which projects they want to see backed with £15,000 of grant funding.
Folkestone County Councillors Tim Prater and Rolund Tolputt have gained agreement from Kent County Council for an interactive "slow down" sign on Sandgate Hill on the approach to the junction with Coolinge Lane.
Having been to an excellent (and very well attended by Councillors from all Parties) briefing session on Safeguarding Children at Kent County Council today, I have even more respect for those who have to do the difficult, and often harrowing, job of helping to safeguard children - within Kent and elsewhere. There was a lot to digest and think about, but one set of figures stood out.
Shepway Councillor Tim Prater has slammed Shepway Council Leader Robert Bliss for misleading local residents on the income being raised through the recently imposed charges on Castle Road Car Park in Sandgate.
Tim Prater has slammed Shepway Council Leader Robert Bliss for misleading local residents on the income being raised through the recently imposed charges on Castle Road Car Park in Sandgate. In an article in the Folkestone Herald on 8th October, an article featuring Cllr Bliss describes the introduction of charges at Sandgate's Castle Hill Car park as a "success" with "takings averaging £700 a week".
Liberal Democrat Councillor Tim Prater has learned from Shepway District Council that the parking availability signs around Folkestone Town Centre, which were installed some years ago but have never been switched on, do not work due to "someone not specifying to the construction team that an aerial was supposed to go up on site during the construction phase of the project".
With "Poppy Day" approaching on Saturday 7th November, there is a great need for volunteers to sell poppies. The appeal organisers for Folkestone are anxious to hear from anyone who can spare a few minutes to sell poppies. If you are able to help, please contact Mrs Clare Saunders of the Royal British Legion on 01634 724845.
All Folkestone and Shepway residents are invited to take part and show their respects in the Remembrance services this year being organised by Folkestone Town Council.
The team leading a proposed redevelopment of Cheriton Road Sports Ground to improve the cricket and hockey facilities at the site are holding a resident's consultation event on Thursday 8th October at the ground.