The Folkestone Haven
The Folkestone Haven offers safe, inclusive and welcoming spaces for people who are struggling to cope with their mental health during the evening, weekends and bank holidays when other services may be closed.
Tim is honoured and delighted to have been elected as:
In May 2023 Tim was re-elected to all the above seats for four more years. At the District Council AGM on 24th May 2023, he became Deputy Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Governance.
Previously, Tim has served on Folkestone Town Councillor for Cheriton from 2006-2011, and Shepway District Councillor for Cheriton from 2007-2011, Kent County Councillor for Folkestone West from 2009-2013. He has sat on Sandgate Parish Council for Sandgate Village since 2011.
Contact Tim by email to, call 07956 276118 or write to 98a Sandgate High Street, Folkestone CT20 3BY. As a District Councillor he runs monthly surgeries at the 1st Sandgate Farmers and Makers Market of every month at the Chichester Hall, 70 Sandgate High Street from 11am-12.30pm. No appointment needed: just turn up.
The Folkestone Haven offers safe, inclusive and welcoming spaces for people who are struggling to cope with their mental health during the evening, weekends and bank holidays when other services may be closed.
It has been confirmed that a proposed new crossing of Shorncliffe Road to make access from Sandgate and West Folkestone to Folkestone West Railway Station has got the go-ahead and will be built this summer. The plan went to consulation with residents earlier this year.
All businesses that have had grant aid support via Folkestone and Hythe District Council in the form of the Small Business Grant (£10,000) or Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Grant (£10,000 - £25,000) have now received a form to complete to confirm they were eligible for the grant and that they can keepi it.
Never give up.
Why is there a consultation on changing the current CPZ restrictions in Radnor Cliff and Radnor Cliff Crescent now?
Further to the launch of the Folkestone & Hythe District Council Discretionary Small Business Grant Scheme, they have now widened the scheme to include those that have already received a grant from the Self Employment Income Support Scheme and more types of businesses are now eligible for funding. Those eligible to apply for a grant now include: