Sandgate Hill Sign Success
Folkestone County Councillors Tim Prater and Rolund Tolputt have gained agreement from Kent County Council for an interactive "slow down" sign on Sandgate Hill on the approach to the junction with Coolinge Lane.
Tim is honoured and delighted to have been elected as:
In May 2023 Tim was re-elected to all the above seats for four more years. At the District Council AGM on 24th May 2023, he became Deputy Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Governance.
Previously, Tim has served on Folkestone Town Councillor for Cheriton from 2006-2011, and Shepway District Councillor for Cheriton from 2007-2011, Kent County Councillor for Folkestone West from 2009-2013. He has sat on Sandgate Parish Council for Sandgate Village since 2011.
Contact Tim by email to, call 07956 276118 or write to 98a Sandgate High Street, Folkestone CT20 3BY. As a District Councillor he runs monthly surgeries at the 1st Sandgate Farmers and Makers Market of every month at the Chichester Hall, 70 Sandgate High Street from 11am-12.30pm. No appointment needed: just turn up.
Folkestone County Councillors Tim Prater and Rolund Tolputt have gained agreement from Kent County Council for an interactive "slow down" sign on Sandgate Hill on the approach to the junction with Coolinge Lane.
Having been to an excellent (and very well attended by Councillors from all Parties) briefing session on Safeguarding Children at Kent County Council today, I have even more respect for those who have to do the difficult, and often harrowing, job of helping to safeguard children - within Kent and elsewhere. There was a lot to digest and think about, but one set of figures stood out.
Tim Prater has slammed Shepway Council Leader Robert Bliss for misleading local residents on the income being raised through the recently imposed charges on Castle Road Car Park in Sandgate. In an article in the Folkestone Herald on 8th October, an article featuring Cllr Bliss describes the introduction of charges at Sandgate's Castle Hill Car park as a "success" with "takings averaging £700 a week".
County Councillors Tim Prater and Roland Tolputt are meeting with Kent Highways officers on Monday morning to discuss measures to slow traffic descending down Sandgate Hill from Folkestone into Sandgate.
Folkestone West County Councillor Tim Prater has started a bid under Kent County Council's Members Highway Fund to look into a scheme to create a one-way scheme in Morehall Avenue and Chart Road in Folkestone. The roads suffer badly from parking and traffic problems, especially around school times, with the roads often locking with traffic unable to pass each way.
The Q&A below answers questions posed by Your Shepway newspaper ( by James Alexandre from the paper. And yes, Kurt Cobain really DID touch my hand (Reading Festival, 1992).