Are You Sitting Comfortably...?
There was once a bench in a little village called Sandgate. It was quite old, and had seen better days, and was pretty hidden up a short steep, side street in the village but, no matter, there the…
There was once a bench in a little village called Sandgate. It was quite old, and had seen better days, and was pretty hidden up a short steep, side street in the village but, no matter, there the…
The following email is one I would have sent to Kent Highways today, except that they do not give out an email address on which you can contact them, and prefer instead that you use an online form.…
Liberal Democrats have warned the closure of Dover Magistrates Court threatens to undermine access to justice for local people in Folkestone.
3 weeks this hole in Military Road, Sandgate has been coned off but NO repairs in progress. There had been a storm drain problem during the heavy rains about a month ago - some one came, coned the…
Folkestone Invicta are bidding to achieve a crowd of over 400 for this Saturday's home game against Sittingbourne and are appealing to the people of the town to visit the Fullicks Stadium this…
Show YOUR love for Sandgate on Valentine's Day! Please come along and litter pick on Sandgate Beach on Valentine's Day - Sunday 14th February.
Something for the half term? The next Craft Club will be on Thursday 18th February 10.00am -12.00pm in Sandgate Library.
Being in Europe, working together and sharing intelligence with other EU countries, is essential to Britain's national security - according to former Home Secretaries and senior police.
Europe and You magazine - Jan / Feb 2016 Over 3 million UK jobs are linked to our trade with the EU - that's one in every ten UK jobs. Source: Office for National Statistics, House of Commons…
Following the Conservative government's response to the consultation on emergency services collaboration and the proposed legislation that could transfer governance of fire authorities to Police and…