Folkestone and Hythe District Council Pass 2023 Budget despite Lib Dem Opposition
This is not a balanced budget, despite the repeated references to it being so.
This is not a balanced budget, despite the repeated references to it being so.
The Liberal Democrat group refused to back 7% increased rents on Council homes, an average of £6.25 per week, from 3 April 2023.
On 4 May 2023, voters will need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in the local elections in Folkestone and Hythe following changes to the law.
Saga to quit Sandgate Enbrook Park HQ from March 17th 2023.
It’s back in the balance. Princes Parade development CAN now be stopped.
Lib Dems West, Gane & Prater pledge not to give up on White Lion site in Cheriton after Conservatives vote against plan for housing and community use.
Kent County Council left 100’s of children with special needs with no transport to school after a botched "redesign" of transport arrangements.
The Liberal Democrats have today called on the Folkestone and Hythe Conservatives to suspend their County Councillor Andy Weatherhead following disturbing relevations about his political past.
On Wednesday, we were joined at Liberal Drinks (not been before? You should!) by Cindy Regalado.
Over the last couple of weeks, I've reported some full drains in the area (as i have for years) and a neighbour has done so as well, with the drains involved being in Granville Road East, Hillside / Wilberforce Road and Wilberforce Road / Sandgate High Street. All are "full" so that water can't get into them, stopping them being any use whatsoever as a drain.
Older residents facing financial hardship could now be eligible to get more help from Folkestone & Hythe District Council.
The programme for the 2022 Folkestone Air Display - exactly one month away today - has been revealed.