Changes to Royal Military Avenue
Your Lib Dem team have surveyed residents in Royal Military Avenue about recent changes by Kent Highways to the road.
Your Lib Dem team have surveyed residents in Royal Military Avenue about recent changes by Kent Highways to the road.
Street light columns in Risborough Lane have been replaced after action from your Lib Dem team.
You voted the Valley Vipers top at the "You Decide" Day last month! Valley Vipers Youth Wheelchair Basketball Club are based at Pent Valley Leisure Centre.
Ballot papers have now been despatched to everyone who was a current member of the Liberal Democrats on 28th September for the election of a new Party President.
Initial MoD proposals to redevelop parts of Shorncliffe & Risborough Barracks have been redrawn. New plans show that after lobbying by local residents the Church Road Stadium has now been protected.
Families of Year 6 children in Kent who are going to start secondary school in September 2011 have just two weeks left to submit their application. The official closing date is Sunday 31 October. However, because of the October school holiday, Kent County Council will accept applications as 'on time' up until Friday 5 November.
The Liberal Democrats have long argued that Trident is an out of date, unnecessary and hugely expensive weapons system that the UK has no need of in modern times. In this period of fiscal constraint it is also a luxury we can ill afford. Nick Clegg was right to argue powerfully against Trident renewal during the Leader's Debates. Our party was right to stand in contrast to both the Conservatives and Labour on this issue.
Walking into a room at The Grand where 500 Brownies and Guides were waiting to celebrate the end of their Centenary Year, is ear piercing! High pitched squeals however, disappear to nothing as a ripple of raised hands signal that silence is required. No shouting or nagging, just a raised hand by one Guider is copied by the closest girls who remain silent whilst their hands are raised, and the room becomes silent within seconds. Amazing.
Customers have been enjoying the recent improvements to Folkestone's library and History Resource Centre. Kent County Council's Mike Hill will officially mark the reopening of the library on Thursday 28 October at 10:15am.
We have known about the History Society since its early days as our friend, Charles Whitney, was the first Chairperson back in the mid 80's. Charles was invited to attend this event and so it was a real treat for us to meet again after a time apart.
I am delighted to see that my 100th event is one that has dignity and style. The Mayor of Deal welcomed us into his 'home church' and we robed in the adjoining hall. The response to the invitations was high, and we all squashed into a small room to prepare ourselves and be dressed by Town Sergeants.
The memory of having gone to Ramsgate for the Bowls Tournament (and won it) still lingers, and so turning up for the Ramsgate Quiz was exciting.