The Best Team for Shepway
I'm determined that the Liberal Democrats will use the forthcoming local election campaign to fight for the services and issues that really effect local people.
I'm determined that the Liberal Democrats will use the forthcoming local election campaign to fight for the services and issues that really effect local people.
Shepway Council have been formally notified that the £9.8 million PFI credit for new sports centres in Folkestone and Hythe has been withdrawn. Shepway Council have poured over £1 million in consultancy fees into the project, money now wasted after the rejection of the project by the Government as "unaffordable".
The Ministry of Defence has today announced improvements to the working terms and conditions of Gurkhas serving in the British army. The announcement comes after a rally in Westminster in December, and just weeks after a campaign petition on the subject collected over 5,000 signatures on the Government's petition web site.
Do you know any really bad potholes locally? The BBC are asking feedback on the worst potholes in the local area - and after years of neglect of local roads by Kent County Council, there are certainly many examples in Shepway!
Shepway Lib Dems want to offer our congratulations on the birth of Daniel to Folkestone member and campaigner Gary Fuller and his wife Jan. Baby Daniel is doing very well having been born at 19:39 on Monday, weighed in at a huge 11lb and 1oz, and measured 60cm!
A national BBC poll on Council Tax has backed Lib Dem proposals to scrap Council Tax entirely and replace it with a local income tax. The Lib Dem proposals for Local Income Tax would mean the majority of current Shepway Council Tax payers would be better off, with many lower paid including pensioners paying nothing at all.
If you are a Party member interested in standing for selection as a Liberal Democrat candidate for any of the 9 English Regional Lists for the next European Parliamentary elections, the vacancies will be advertised in Liberal Democrat News on 8th June 2007 with a closing date of 2nd July 2007.
After being contacting by many local residents, Morehall Lib Dem Action Team Darren Briddock and Tom McNeice are conducting a residents survey in Morehall Avenue and Chart Road about the regular traffic problems there.
Shepway Liberal Democrats were represented in force at the Liberal Democrat Spring Conference in Harrogate. Folkestone and Hythe Parliamentary Spokesman Toby Philpott and many other local members including Maureen Speller, Paul Kincaid, Tom McNeice, Darren Briddock, Season Prater, Tim Prater and Shaun Roberts all made the journey for the traditional launch to May's election campaign.
Kent Trading Standards have received a number of complaints from motorists alleging that their cars have required repairs as a result of being filled with contaminated petrol.
The Independent reports that the proposed expansion of Lydd Airport is "threatening the oldest reserve under the management of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds". Read the article in full at
On Saturday, Lydd Airport tested the take off and touch down of a 737 aircraft at Lydd Airport to show the impact the plane would have on the local area. Although the plane was not fully loaded, the pictures taken from Dunes Road, at the foot of the runway, show how close the plane would come to local houses. Lydd Airport has offered no compensation to the owners of houses in Dunes Road for its proposed runway extension, despite the threat of 3 planes an hour over their houses.